
Version: org.nasdanika.models.java.cli@2024.12.0
Usage: nsd java junit [-fhVw] [--[no-]ai] [--[no-]comment-response]
                      [--disabled] [--progress-console] [--progress-data]
                      [--progress-json] [--api-endpoint=<apiEndpoint>]
                      [--class-suffix=<classSuffix>] [-k=<apiKey>] [-l=<limit>]
                      [--progress-output=<progressOutput>] [-r=<prompt>]
                      [-s=<sources>] [-t=<coverageType>]
                      [-v=<apiKeyEnvironmentVariable>] [-e[=<excludes>...]]...
                      [-i[=<includes>...]]... <projectURI> <coverageThreshold>
                      <output> [COMMAND]
Generates JUnit tests
      <projectURI>          Project URI
      <coverageThreshold>   Coverage threshold
      <output>              Output URI
                            relative to the project URI
      --[no-]ai             Use AI, defaults to true
                            OpenAPI endpoint, defaults to
                            Test class suffix
                            defaults to Tests
                            Comment AI responses
                            defaults to true
      --disabled            Generate disabled tests
  -e, --exclude[=<excludes>...]
                            Source excludes
                            Ant pattern
  -f                        Project URI is a file path
  -h, --help                Show this help message and exit.
  -i, --include[=<includes>...]
                            Source includes
                            Ant pattern
  -k, --api-key=<apiKey>    OpenAPI key
  -l, --limit=<limit>       Maximum number of test classes
                            to generate
  -m, --model=<deploymentOrModelName>
                            OpenAPI deployment or model
                            defaults to gpt-4
                            Test package suffix
                            defaults to .tests
      --progress-console    Output progress to console
      --progress-data       Output progress data
      --progress-json       Output progress in JSON
                            Output file for progress monitor
  -r, --prompt=<prompt>     Propmt
                            defaults to 'Generate a JUnit 5 test method
                              leveraging Mockito for the following Java method'
  -s, --sources=<sources>   Sources URI path relative
                            to the project URIy,
                            defaults to src/main/java
  -t, --coverage-type=<coverageType>
                            Coverage type
                            Valid values: complexity, instruction, branch, line
                            defaults to line
  -v, --api-key-variable=<apiKeyEnvironmentVariable>
                            OpenAPI key environment variable
                            defaults to OPENAI_API_KEY
  -V, --version             Print version information and exit.
  -w, --overwrite           Overwrite existing tests
  jacoco  Loads coverage from jacoco.exec and classes directory