
Version: org.nasdanika.launcher.demo@2024.6.0
Usage: nsd inspect-yaml [-hV] [--parallel] [--progress-console]
                        [--progress-data] [--progress-json]
                        [--stop-on-first-fail] [--limit=<limit>] [-o=<output>]
                        [-c=<String=String>]... [-C=URL]...
                        [-f=<failOnSeverities>]... [-M=<String=String>]...
                        [--protocol-resource-factory=<String=Class>]... [-e
                        [=<resourceExcludes>...]]... [--exclude-rule
                        [=<ruleExcludes>...]]... [--exclude-rule-set
                        [=<ruleSetExcludes>...]]... [--exclude-type
                        [=<typeExcludes>...]]... [-i
                        [=<resourceIncludes>...]]... [--include-rule
                        [=<ruleIncludes>...]]... [--include-rule-set
                        [=<ruleSetIncludes>...]]... [--include-type
                        [=<typeIncludes>...]]... <inputs>...
Demo of YAML inspection
      <inputs>...            Files and directories
                             to inspect
  -c, --context-entry=<String=String>
                             Context entries.
                             Shadow entries in contexts and mounts.
  -C, --context=URL          Context resource URL relative to the current
                               directory. YAML, JSON, or properties. In
                               properties dots are treated as key path
                               separators. Type is inferred from the content
                               type header, if it is present, or extension.
                               Contexts are composed in the order of
                               definition, later context entries shadowing the
                             Maps content type to resource factory class
  -e, --exclude-resource[=<resourceExcludes>...]
                             Resources to exclude from inspection
                             Ant pattern
                             ID's of rules to exclude
                             ID's of rule sets to exclude
                             Target types to exclude
                             Maps extension to resource factory class
  -f, --fail-on=<failOnSeverities>
                             Names of severities to fail on
  -h, --help                 Show this help message and exit.
  -i, --include-resource[=<resourceIncludes>...]
                             Resources to include in inspection
                             Ant pattern
                             ID's of rules to include
                             ID's of rule sets to include
                             Target types to include
      --limit=<limit>        Max number of results to report
  -M, --context-mount=<String=String>
                             MappingContext resource URL relative to the
                               current directory. YAML, JSON, or properties. In
                               properties dots are treated as key path
                               separators. Type is inferred from the content
                               type header, if it is present, or extension.
                               Mounts shadow context entries.
  -o, --output=<output>      Output file
      --parallel             Parallel inspection
      --progress-console     Output progress to console
      --progress-data        Output progress data
      --progress-json        Output progress in JSON
                             Output file for progress monitor
                             Maps protocol to resource factory class
      --stop-on-first-fail   Stop on first failure
  -V, --version              Print version information and exit.